Hot Chocolate 3 bags (3x300g)


3 bags of our heartwarming Hot Chocolate Mixes. 1 of each type! A total of 900g. of great flavour.



A great deal on 3 bags of our heart warming hot chocolate mix. One bag of each type.

1 bag of “Original”, 1 bag of “Salt” & 1 bag of “3 Spices”. Each bag is 300g. So, in total 900g. of great hot chocolate mix!

On a base of Mayan Red 70% dark chocolate, our Hot Chocolate blends are carefully crafted, to release the full flavour potential of the ingredients, while being pleasant and smooth ion the mouth and on the taste buds.

Stir the mix into a cup of hot milk (we strongly recommend whole milk) and enjoy as it is or give a big dollop of whipped cream.

No matter which blend you choose, focus is always on the great flavour of the chocolate, which is always prime quality, as well as the other ingredients. In that way, we believe, we have done ours to ensure a nice and “hyggelig” moment with a cup of hot chocolate in the hand, no matter if your prefer the original, the salty or the spicy of our blends.

Find nutrition values and ingredients in the picture gallery.


Et godt tilbud på 3 poser af vores hjertevarmende varm chokolade-mix. En af hver slags.

1 pose “Original”, 1 pose “Salt” & 1 pose “3 spices”. Hver pose er på 300g. Så i alt 900g. af vores skøn varm chokolade-mix!

Med udgangspunkt i Mayan Red 70% mørk chokolade, har vi sammensat 3 forskellige blends til varm chokolade.Chokoladen opløses i varm mælk og smager godt som den er, men kan også med fordel få en god klat flødeskum på toppen.

Fokus i dem alle er den gode smag af chokolade og som altid er kvaliteten i højsædet også når det gælder de øvrige ingredienser!

Så mener vi nemlig, at vi har gjort vores for at sikre en god og hyggelig stund med en varm kop chokolade i hånden, hvad end du er til den klassiske eller den krydrede.

Find næringsværdi og ingrediensliste i billedgalleriet.

Additional information

Weight 1.2 kg